Principal Investigator


Celia Shiau is a newly tenured Associate Professor in the Departments of Biology and Microbiology & Immunology at UNC Chapel Hill.  She received her PhD degree from Caltech in developmental neurobiology using the chick model system and in vitro systems in the lab of Marianne Bronner, and conducted her postdoctoral research at Stanford University in glial biology and macrophages using zebrafish genetics and advanced microscopy in the lab of Will Talbot. Broadly, Dr. Shiau envisions her research program to tackle fundamental questions about the role the immune system has in tissue development and homeostasis as well as mechanisms that control macrophage cell states in a wide range of physiologically relevant contexts from the brain to the gut. Her lab is currently integrating a variety of genetic, genomic, cell biological, and imaging approaches to dissect macrophage and microglia biology from a variety of perspectives, and is excited to welcome diverse, motivated, and talented individuals to join team Shiau Squad!